by Healing Light Family Acupuncture | May 17, 2023 | Acupuncture, Healing Light
Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat various medical conditions, including infertility. In recent years, it has gained popularity as an adjunct therapy to improve the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Improving fertility with Acupuncture...
by Healing Light Family Acupuncture | Jul 19, 2022 | Healing Light, Holistic Health
Oftentimes, it seems like there is no hope for relieving the discomfort associated with autoimmune diseases. It’s difficult to go about regular life when you’re in chronic agony. Those of us who have struggled with an autoimmune disorder understand...
by Healing Light Family Acupuncture | Jan 28, 2022 | Acupuncture, Healing Light, Natural Healing
The news headlines and hospital statistics say it all— COVID infections and hospitalizations are at their highest since 2020— in 2022 fashion. The best we can do to keep ourselves and our families safe is through three key things: Wearing a mask Social...
by Healing Light Family Acupuncture | May 19, 2021 | Healing Light
What a beautiful journey it has been! We are celebrating six years of opening our dream family practice in 2015. ️At Healing Light Family Acupuncture, we have learned so much as small business owners and ourselves. The hidden wisdom that has helped us stay...
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